Our longing for the good old days and for better times in the midst of our most difficult times must mean to turn that longing toward God, to His more, to His action of a different kind. Faith is a hard learning.

The gift

Not too long ago, someone suggested to me there must be a prerequisite condition in someone to receive God’s grace. The statement was not so much a suggestion but a challenge. Of course, this crossed the grain of everything I had been taught about grace, that it was God’s gift unmerited. The statement suggested I […]

The two chests

The two men stood stoic. Each looked at the other knowing the path the other would choose. Silent, they departed. Years passed. The two men came near to the end of life. The one had achieved all for which he dreamt. Every goal met created for him an affirmation of his ability and prowess, a […]

And then what happened?

The clock said 5:30 a.m. My body said it was too early. Easing into this quiet morning, the Barred owl hooted. Hearing the distinct, “Who cooks for you?” refrain, I listened for the repeat as if to ask him, “And then what happened?” I waited and in rhythm, I heard again, “Who cooks for you?” […]

A faith of love and forgiveness without atonement and redemption is something different altogether.

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